Customer Reviews & Comments:

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3 responses to “Customer Reviews & Comments:”

  1. Purchased some signals via the local model shop and did not open for some time. One pack although sealed did have an item missing. Phoned, not expecting an answer due time of day. The call was answered by a very nice man who was very helpful and customer focused. I emailed the team as requested with all details and received a return call from the same person with an update to my mail. A follow up email with advise details and other info I had requested was received. The missing parts arrived shortly after as advised. Perfect is the only work necessary. Very good attention to my needs and very customer focused. Also the items I purchased are great. Often companies loose sight of the customer and sometimes the person in charge does not interact with them. Its is the team that convey the company and carry the reputation. I mention this as it was the MD who answered the phone, made the follow up call and email, Brilliant.

  2. I am looking at getting some signals for my layout double 00 Gauge does the signals come ready assembled or do you have to assemble on yourself would it be possible for them to be assembled for me

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