SEC1A-DC – Section Control Module


This Block Signalling unit is a massive upgrade on the ASP1 & ASP1-NS modules, adding a ‘Talk Link’ to other modules & a host of great extra features.


This Block Signalling unit is a massive upgrade on the ASP1 & ASP1-NS modules, adding a ‘Talk Link’ to other modules & a host of great extra features.

The BLOCK signalling SEC1A-DC Section Control Module is designed for DC layouts, to protect a section of track and to prevent more than one train entering that section at one time.

  • Monitors trains entering and leaving a section of track
  • Automatically sets the signal at the start of the section to danger (red)Isolates a section of track to stop trains at the signal
  • Communicates to previous sections to ensure they show yellow (and double yellow) aspects when 3- and 4-aspect signals are used
  • Last section can simulate returning back to clear using timers to provide realistic operation when 3- and 4-aspect signals are used
  • Points which are not set in the trains favour can force the signal to danger
  • Signal can be forced to danger by an external input (useful for starter signals)
  • Suitable for 2-, 3-, and 4-aspect led signals (SEC1A-DC for common-cathode and SEC1B-DC for common-anode)
  • Bidirectional running with 2-aspect signalling at each end of the line
  • New: Additional Station Stop Modes
  • New: Additional Dapol output
  • Remembers whether the section is occupied after the power is removed and automatically restores the signals after power returns
  • Simple to setup, but also fully configurable to provide the most realistic operation
  • Requires a 12V DC Power Supply

For further detailed information on this module, including installation instructions, connection information, and troubleshooting tips, please download the latest instructions 101F1X.pdf If you require copies of previous instructions for older versions of this module please visit the Documentation section at the bottom of this page.


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